Monday, September 13, 2004

The Lack of Technology in My K-12 Experience

Technology was not a huge part of my k-12 learning experience. I think this was due to the fact that technology usually costs money and that my teachers were unfamiliar with the latest technological advancements. I remember when my elementary school finally got a computer lab that was available for student use (in the classroom setting). I was in fourth grade and computers back then were so basic. They were used for simple math concepts, spelling and keyboarding. Because there was only twenty-five or so computers for an entire elementary we only went to the computer lab about once a month. This experience did not teach me anything significant. Everything I learned concerning computers at a young age I learned on my family computer at home.
In Jr. High I learned how to type on a typewriter. I rarely used school computers during Jr. High; it was always easier to go home and use my own computer. I had a science teacher in seventh grade who used laser discs that projected images on a television of pictures of various things. This was interesting to be able to see different pictures about the certain animal cell or DNA strand we were talking about. However, it was not essential. It was usually only one picture and very similar to the ones found in our text books.
In High School I would say I used the computer lab as a personal resource more so than ever before, but that's not saying much. Various teachers would sign up to reserve the lab during class time and we would go there for an hour or so. And, for one reason or another, teachers looked at going to the computer lab as some type of a field trip so it happened very rarely.
If I were to go back and speak with my former teachers about there making use of available technology while I was under their instruction I would tell them all to somehow integrate it more into their course. For example, in my English classes we were always instructed to type our papers. However, the only further instruction we were given was 12 pt. font, double spaced. There is so much more to typing a paper I have learned since then that would have been useful in High School. Computers and the internet are vast resources that teachers in k-12 do not utilize to the student's benefit.


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